Accumulation of Vaccine Research Technology by Professor Tae-
wook Hahn, and Acquisition of core technology and know-how in
the Vaccine Development Laboratory by Professor Tae-wook Hahn
wook Hahn, and Acquisition of core technology and know-how in
the Vaccine Development Laboratory by Professor Tae-wook Hahn
- Acquisition of further technology and know-how in the Infectious Diseases Research Laboratory and Vaccine Development Laboratory at the College of Veterinary Medicine of Kangwon National University
- Continuous expansion of research capabilities on the development of animal and human vaccines for more than 30 years
- Published over 180 international papers related to vaccine research and development
- Registered over 40 international & domestic patents, and 4 technology transfers
- Approval testing carried out on animal and human vaccines: more than 20 examples
- Expertise and know-how gained in obtaining permits for animal vaccines
- Sole entitlement to core strains
Proprietors of 40 species and at least 1,100 strains of domestic pathogens for animals and humans -
- Entitlement to antigen manufacturing technology
Owners of various antigen development technologies for manufacturing vaccine antigen -
- Global business network
Secure foundation for joint research and commercialization in Southeast Asia, based in Vietnam -
- Entitlement to mass culture technology
Owners of the technology of mass incubation of viruses, initially through small pilot schemes -
- Continuous expansion of specialist know-how in culture technology
Developed the know-how necessary to multiply bacteria and viruses that are difficult to cultivate